Why We Sleep Free Download

5.00 Avg rating1 Votes
Publisher: Scribner
Genres: Psychology Books, Mental Health Services
Pages: 368 pages
ISBN10: 1501144324
ISBN13: 9781501144325
Tags: Psychology Books, Mental Health Services, Free Download, PDF Download
Language: en
Type: Digital
"Why We Sleep is simply a must-read. World-renowned neuroscientist and sleep expert Matthew Walker takes us on a fascinating and indispensable journey into the latest understandings of the science of sleep. And the book goes way beyond satisfying intellectual curiosity, as it explores the cognitive, health, safety and business consequences of compromising the quality and quantity of our sleep; insights that may change the way you live your life. In these super-charged, distracting times it is hard to think of a book that is more important to read than this one."--Adam Gazzaley, co-author of The Distracted Mind, founder and executive director of Neuroscape, and Professor of Neurology, Physiology, and Psychiatry at University of California, San Francisco "Most of us have no idea what we do with a third of our lives. In this lucid and engaging book, Matt Walker explains the new science that is rapidly solving this age-old mystery. Why We Sleep is a canny pleasure that will have you turning pages well past your bedtime."--Daniel Gilbert, professor of psychology at Harvard and author of Stumbling on Happiness "In Why We Sleep, Dr. Matt Walker brilliantly illuminates the night, explaining how sleep can make us healthier, safer, smarter, and more productive. Clearly and definitively, he provides knowledge and strategies to overcome the life-threatening risks associated with our sleep-deprived society. Our universal need for sleep ensures that every reader will find value in Dr. Walker's insightful counsel."--Mark R. Rosekind, Ph.D., former NHTSA Administrator, NTSB member, and NASA scientist.


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