A Tale of Witchcraft... #2 Free Download

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Publisher: Little, Brown
Genres: Fantasy Books, Middle Grade, Fiction Books
Pages: 448 pages
ISBN10: 0316523569
ISBN13: 9780316523561
Tags: Fantasy Books, Middle Grade Books, Fiction Books, Free Download, PDF Download
Language: en
Physical Form: eBook
Type: PDF
In the enchanting New York Times bestselling sequel to A Tale of Magic..., a mysterious new witch arrives at the academy and her intentions are anything but good. Filled with brand-new adventures and a cast of memorable characters, both familiar and new, Brystal's journey is only just beginning... Brystal and her friends have saved everyone from the evil Snow Queen and secured worldwide acceptance for the magical community.

However, when a mysterious new witch named Mistress Mara arrives at the academy, the celebrations are cut short. Mistress Mara begins recruiting fairies into her rival school of witchcraft and ominous plot against mankind.

Elsewhere, the fragile peace is on the brink of shattering. Outrage has spread throughout the kingdoms in opposition to the legalization of magic. And a dangerous and centuries-old clan known as the Righteous Brotherhood has resurfaced, with one goal in mind: to exterminate all magical life forever...


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